Easy-to-use cloud-based tools

Collect, collaborate and create relevant content

Ready to get started? Create a Sorc’d account for all of your snippets

Collect and use snippets within Google and Microsoft products.
Install web clippers for highlighting and saving from the web, and add-ons/add-ins to add and extract snippets from within Google and Microsoft products.

Google tools

Sorc’d Chrome extension for clipping content

Sorc’d Chrome extension for clipping content

Google Docs add-on for writing

Google Docs add-on for writing

Google Slides add-on for writing

Google Slides add-on for writing

Google Sheets add-on for data

Google Sheets add-on for data

Microsoft tools

Edge extension for clipping

Edge extension for clipping

Outlook add-in for writing

Outlook add-in for writing

Office add-in for writing

Office add-in for writing

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